Landed in Dulles, picked up by my big brother and had a little family time.
eating breakfast outside at my dear parents, it's heaven:
two days later, I caught the Amtrak up to NYC, to see Drew and work with Red on the Conan tour.
It was a day off and we milled around the hot city.
Had planned to go to the Jekyll & Hyde club for dinner, but
got talked out of it by disgruntled roadies.
Met up with several old tour buddies from Jonas:
next day it was lovely reporting to work at the historic Radio City Music Hall:
I took a little movie of the dance off between Conan & Stephen Colbert, and loved the wide cutaway when a red jump-suited Jon Stewart saves the day...i will edit it in here down the road. Trying to use the @Fablor method here, get it up there!

after the show, we took a cab down from the beautiful Central Park hotel we were staying in to see Michael Stewart @
the Beauty Bar.

next show day, there were these amazing cupcakes in the production office:
and PeeWee Herman as special guest!

(**brief aside, I just got my flight for LadyGaga tour i'll be back to NY for a extended run with her in July at Madison Square Garden...)
i trained down to Baltimore to meet up with Anne & Nancye and to visit some of our favorite Baltimore haunts:
world famous garlic bread from Peter's Inn:
here's Nancye in a meter that has been decorated by a lonely 410 spirit...
much more catching up and October planning... then i headed to DC to work the DAR Constitution Hall Conan show:
My brother, nephew & sister-in-law came to visit the show, and i could see them laughing from sidestage...
i got hypnotized looking at the rug's star pattern"
we threw big yellow inflated Coco balls into the audience, it was complete success.
Miss Adriane contrasting with the red flame of her hair and the bursting green of the summer lawn:
she taught me a very useful Yiddish term "Hazeri"
meaning several things, baggage, and/or dragging things behind you,
too much stuff, etc and i love it. I want to call my band this.
(HAZERI opening for KID ROCK.)
meanwhile Boyfriend got to go on stage and jam with the other roadies:
Drew had some time off in NYC, and he went to Coney Island and won me this little red orphan:
CLICK Here for a time-lapse film of putting up the Conan show in CT after a basketball game ended, worth your two minutes....
and i want to leave you with this...last night i was watching a nature program with my little parents, in which a cobra stuns & paralyzes a mother Lioness and then kills three of her cubs in front of her, while gathered hyenas, seeing the weakened momma, dart in and steal off with the little furry bodies. The world can break your heart. I still can't stop thinking about it. Meanwhile, fireflies in the summer night, they can heal your heart.
Touring Girl, we miss you! Come home SOON. Lear needs you, he says...House of Leopards is sad when you're gone too!
(and, like, I totally, like, miss you too!)
Getting closer to that li'l piece of heaven. Can't wait to see you, Mizzy! Love learning new words, too. Have been listening to a Sir Terry Pratchett on the drive. Laughing all the way, like 1 horse open sleigh. I hope Daisy picks up some new words from SirTP. Other cars drive past, and we are laughing, all mouth open, HAHAs, with heads thrown back, except the driver, who really can't.
hello sisters both--
i am having a problem with my photos showing, Boss taught me how to use Picasa, & i blogged several of the photos from within that program, the ones showing, i did by Blogger. SO! back to ye olde drawing board--
because the photos needa be showin'!
Cat - a lot of the pics aren't showing. Missing half of the story, I fear. Signed, your editor (Andrew R.)
Awww, so sad (about the lions. The rest sounds great)
Nature can be vicious ... but it sounds like you're in a jungle of crazy wild good times. Stephen Colbert is so cool.
Oh, and Emily said that. Under Lihua. You know who I am.
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