We Neverwear elves are very busy filling orders and challenging the lines of the post office.
My local post office here in Los Angeles is never quiet and at Christmastime, it is a madhouse. When I was little, I told my dad I wanted to be a postman. I love all things stamp-y and mail-y. Now I am an honorary postal worker. I was at the automatic postage machine in the lobby at 6 am this morning
and left hours later--- Jun, my favorite USPS worker helped me. I told him I wouldn't blow his cover, but I wanted to show him processing some of the many international orders.

We are have sent prints to Japan, Ireland, Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, Philippines, the mighty United Kingdom, and countless points in between. Drew, Ethan, Red and I have been fulfilling orders to try to get as many as these out as quickly as possibly. It has been a whirlwind. A lovely madness.

even little Selina Kyle, our new crimefighting kitten, lent a paw.

Thank you all for your support. We are having a great time in the treehouse, trying to get these out to their new homes as quickly as possible.
Happy holidays all.
This sounds like a marvelous way to spend this time of year. Have a very wonderful holiday!
Looks like you are running your own Santa's workshop! Good luck! -geri
Have a great holiday!
You deserve one.
Ethan too,
Mailing, Mailing, Over the bounding main... Ahoy, Pirates All!
MerrRRRy ChrrrRRRistmas to ye... 3 1st editions of Graveyard were under our tree for the next generation. All well received!
I wasn't going to comment but my word verification was Lucifer so I figured I oughta. I know the poster demand was fee-nominal and the work you and crew put into getting them out was phe-nominal! Way to go - knew you'd do it right.
Hope you had a moment to relax and enjoy the holiday.
Just wanted to say that my poster was waiting for me in my mailbox when I got home from Christmas at my Mom's, and it is GORGEOUS! I love it and am very happy with it. :-)
I love love love the poster! Thanks for all your hard work!!!
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