"The Day the Saucers Came"---a personal favorite of ours here at NEVERWEAR

This full-color print will be arriving any day now, hot off the presses.
It is a high-stakes take on obsession. This print is filled with magical imagery: zombies and geniis, UFOs, giants, fairies...even killer bees. Sized at 10" x 28", you can practically fall into this wonderland. I will have 500 prints, each hand-numbered---I expect them to arrive in hand on the 16th Dec.
They will not be guaranteed for a holiday delivery, while they illustrate magic, I am only one kid in cahoots with the United States Postal Service. go figure...They should arrive--- if ordered now--- by the 27th December. They will be shipped in a practically bullet-proof shield made of recycled cardboard. For preorders, I will send out a little Neil postcard saying it is coming, if you want to give it as a gift.
We are donating 20% of the poster price to CBLDF
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is out fighting crimes against our important Constitutional rights, so to support them is our pleasure.
thanks all! they are available here:

Woo! Ordering mine now, that's one of my favorite poem/story/whatevers :) I just read it to some friends of ours after dinner the other night. I don't do readings often!
It looks very nice.
Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee. I love that poem.
I made some updates to the site. Mr. G, through no fault of his own, really, keeps posting funny links.
They'd turned weird again after you fixed them. So I fixed them again.
is this some sort of fixing competition?
Kitty; I'm a regular poster and fiend of the lovely Ms. Q. But I admit; I just read Mr. Gaiman's blog re: the misprint of the price. As an artist myself and in all good conscience; I must request that you charge me the correct price please. Please email me so I can amend my PayPal order or send the additional payment. Thank you in advance! My email is corvus93@sbcglobal.net
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