he is laid up from a car accident in California.
Please send him your thoughts and love.
My first tour was with Chi, he plays bass for the Deftones, and there is no brighter spirit to be found. Be well, little Chi.

i took this photo on the 2001 tour, Jones Beach.
Steve Kidd, Chi, Rabbit, Linus & Abe
now back to the Madonna work camp.
Wishes wafting along...
I feel that poor guys pain! Early this year I was rear-end while driving home on the East 101 and got a case of whip-lash and suffered from my first shoulder injury, that made me vulnerable for the voilent attacked I suffered this past Spring, just retelling this to inform you that your dear friend may suffer from a lot of pain and physical suffering from this accident for months maybe years. One thing I can say, being a survivor of two auto accidents in my life time as well as a rape survivor the best therapy and comfort are caring and loving friends like you in his life! Best wishes for your freind recovery -love - Geri
I'll be thinking of him, and you.
best wishes for a swift recovery.
Ah, Kitty. Sending along every good thought I can muster for Chi's benefit. I'm still so shocked. Hoping for the best...
The important thing is that he not alow the car accident to become the defining event in his life and feel moved to mention it in every blog comment. ^_^
F.Y.I . Dan Guy - a auto accident can become a "defining" event in one's life. A auto accident at 19 ended a career of a dancer and mess up my spine and face FOREVER! I hope your friend Chi injuries aren't so life changing! But if it is, friends (real friends) is the best medicine! Also, I mention the fact that I've been raped in hopes to help over victims out there to know they're not alone! And that event was also a defining moment in my life too!
I don't allow external events to have that sort of power over me. Something may be a major event in one's life without allowing it to define that life.
Well said, Dan Guy.
Sadly Chi has been in a coma since the accident,
I am hopeful to hear news.
He is a prince.
Is your friend still in a coma? What were his injuries? I was in a coma for about week after the crash that damage my spine but I got out of it - I couldn't move for 6 months. I pray he gets out of it. Dan Guy - I undersdtand what you're saying but you have no idea what it is to be a woman people once thought was beautiful and to look at a face that has been damage forever and that beauty gone forever. We live in a very external world. I lost some friends over this. Cat - please visit your friend, if you can that may be hard if he's in ICU but if you can visit him. Friends loves does come through even when one is in a coma.
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