Drew has been out on the Billy Joel tour but they get several breaks in between show dates, he has been coming home.
We made a little road trip to Santa Barbara, where he got a beautiful new tattoo for his birthday present from me...
a pair of ravens on his forearm in Celtic/Pictish style, done by Pat Fish of Lucky Fish Studio (www.luckyfish.com)

happy birthday, baby. I am grateful for you every day.

after his tattoo was finished, we drove down to Ventura, for a sunset stroll where we window-shopped while waiting for the Peter Murphy show to start...

Peter was amazing, even if the sound system was pretty poor. I couldn't get a good shot in that venue...oh well.

I send my thanks to the band Strange Rebel Frequency, who sent us the tickets. (www.strangerebelfrequency.com)
It was a dream come true last summer when I met Mr. Murphy in Istanbul, I fake-fainted in front of my crew after he shook my hand. I am fairly shy about asking people to pose for photos but he hung out with us all night and was so interesting with his stories of life in Turkey, his opinions about the music industry, that i didn't feel shy at all. We got caught in a torrential downpour and that really broke the ice, all of us scattering for cover since the show was in an open-air venue overlooking the waters of the Black Sea...

Last week, I worked the Tone Loc/Lisa Lisa show which was a blast, I challenge you NOT to move to "Funky Cold Medina".
Kim is my new co-worker, an actress with flavor! Here she is posing by the dressing room signs, too bad you can't see the major crowd behind her...

between shows, I silkscreened the road cases with Michael at the warehouse:

Yesterday was spent working the 106 radio show in Anaheim, featurning Ice Cube. Born O'Shea Jackson, Ice Cube shares the same birthday as my dad, sooo of course, I am a fan. He was so great live. Ali and I ran out to stand/dance under the crowd at side stage while he belted out his songs. We stepped aside as it started raining beer as some kind of commotion broke out up above. Next we saw a camera fall... then more beer...Security guards ran over with their flashlights shining up, and we were just watching the show. The promoter came over to us and we thought he asked if we were having fun, "Yes!" we said. He said, "WHAT?? You DID?" we stopped dancing and looked at him, he said, "No, I asked if you got covered in blood--", and pointed his flashlight at our feet, it was a CSI scene, with bright red droplets all over the floor...ouch.
even so, as Mr. Cube would say "it was a good day".

(When I was talking to my parents this morning, telling them the story of the blood, my Dad said, oh That will make a good blog entry, haha Dad, hope you are right, even though i think you were kidding.)
Getting ready now to leave to get miss Red at the airport returning at last from her Megadeth tour...
Tomorrow i work the Death Cab for Cutie show and the end of the week, I will work the George Michael show...cannot wait!
next post will be about the MALENA MIDNIGHT SHOW. We have brewing up gorgeous glittery gems for you all. She will be doing her psychic readings and I will be reading the cards...MAGIC!!
You go Girl!!!! So much fun. Love the new tattoos, Drew is so cool, hello's from me. You are the third person today who mentioned Santa Barbara to me, I SO need to come out there to the Treehouse!
Emily, your secret is safe with us, but if you are ever going to an event, let the Assistants know and we will see what can happen....
I harbor a great relish for meeting famous people (especially authors. Do not tell Mr. Gaiman).
Happy Birthday to your dear one! And the story of the blood did indeed make for an interesting one ...
OMG! You thought it was beer, but it was really blood! I hope everyone is okay. That's not really something you want repeated.
That is a really cool tattoo! Maybe I'll get a tattoo on my 50th birthday. Still, he seems to be a very lucky man to have you in his life. :)
i think miss Emily already MET our Boss. yes, tis true...but i don't know what was said, as comment was deleted it says.
Yes, Quiche, come, do---Santa Barbara is a lovely town to stroll through, we went to a great little magic store and shhhhh... a sex shop too, I had never been to one. (no photos! haha)
Adr, there was LOTS of beer cups fallling around us like plastic bombs, so it wasn't ALL blood, i suspect a fistfight broke out, and someone got a bloody nose. For the record, we didn't have a drop on us, we stepped back right on time.
The crow tattoos are beautiful, and a great gift to a lucky man - and per previous posts, you will be in the SO exciting town of tinley park for the jonas bros tour - about 2 miles from where i grew up- makes me nostalgic and somewhat homesick, for what was. What I wouldn't give to turn back time, just for a bit. So glad you didn't get hurt in the fray - but still, even beer flying around is a bit messy and sticky! Have fun!
I've never seen a man love a woman as much as Drew loves you. You are very lucky. Oh! and nice tattoo btw. hee hee
Sorry about the deleted comment, Cat; it actually said basically the same thing but I really messed up on the last sentence and wanted to edit it.
Lorraine, I am forever grateful to Cat for getting me to meet your Boss -- sometime I'll have to tell you all about what happened .... Both of them made me feel very special.
Happy birthday, Drew! Take good care of our dear Kitty. ^_^
Sounds like quite a month you're having! I hope the final week will be just as amazing! Maybe a bit less bloody, though...
Great tat Drew and happy birthday!
Hope to see you this weekend!
Miles and Malena have taken me to Santa Barbara several times, but we found no Magic Shop or Sex Shops. Clearly I need a new Guide.....
Hey! I thought I had left a comment here already...
Blogger must have eaten it (it gets hungry sometimes).
I am glad you did not get hurt, Kitty.
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