Douglas Adams was the Ghost of Honor at the convention, here he is with his Lil' Neil Neverwear tee...

His luminous handler was faithfully carrying her towel. Here she is, showing off her Lisa Snellings purchase....

Here is miss Rayvn, Nora, one of the Balticon ladies-in-charge, looking sassy in her Neverwear. She is proposing the oh-so-talented Miles Teves for next year's convention as artist guest. Watch and see what happens...

Last night I had the best dream, i was touring with ELvis, and it was him, and we spoke throughout the dream, and i wasn't surprised to see him, because in my dream i didn't know that he was supposed to be dead. It wasn't the very young ELvis, nor was it the older Vegas ELvis, it was an evolved Elvis...and during my dream, i looked up into the sky to see a huge raven flying with a small creature clutched in his claws. He circled down and dropped a tiny black panther at my feet, a little bigger than my Batman. In my dream, this baby panther spoke to me and bit my hand hard enough to draw blood. What he told me is now gone, but i remember waking up with such stars in my eyes.
..soon a BEA post. today Drew and I will drive to Santa Barbara and then see a Peter Murphy show tonight, still behind in the blogging, but ahead in the adventures....
That would be awesome being a member of Elvis crew! One for the money, two for the show....
Santa Barbara is my favorite get-a-way! Hope you and your noble Knight Andrew have a wonder time in Santa Barbara!
Adventures are good. Keeps things interesting..
I wish we knew what the panther told you...I think there are many secrets that ought to be known and panthers certainly know them. Black cats dream of them often, as Batman.
I want a BEA post! Spent months setting that up, would love to know what actually happened, hee-hee...
You mean Elvis is DEAD?
Shouldn't there be a third picture in this post? Or am I being confused?
A BEA post? What can that be? Suspense, oh suspense is killing me...
Book Expo America. Kitty wrangled our Boss out there in La...Huge event...I set it up, but she did the front lines.
You were very lucky to have Mr. Adams as your ghost of honor! What a treat!
We were lucky to get Adrienne to be the Ghost of Honor liaison! She took a small joke and ran with it, carting around his cremains in an urn with an engraved plaque, having a Vogon Poetry Contest, a Towel Fashion Show, etc.
Wow that was a really cool dream! Too bad you can't remember what the kitty said.
You got to see Peter Murphy?
Oooooooooooh I'm jealous.;) How was it? And how was BEA?
I once dreamt that the world was ending -- not really the Apocalypse, but more that it was just dying -- and God was telling me just how to save it. Woke up and could remember the voice but not a single word.
ahhh yes, no Nora.
let's fix that.
and while we are at it, let's make a BEA post and a Peter Murphy post....
note to self: get goin' tiger!
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